MSI Reproductive Choices
Project: Vagina Privacy Network
Ensuring bodily autonomy in the digital world
When the constitutional right to abortion was overturned in 2022, American women saw their rights blasted backwards 50 years — with 13 U.S. states enacting full abortion bans and many others significantly restricting the procedure.

01The challenge
As one of the world’s largest reproductive rights organizations, MSI Reproductive Choices wanted to help American women preserve their right to make their own medical decisions as much as possible and to drive donations that would help further their efforts to make reproductive choice available for all.
02The solution
We launched the Vagina Privacy Network (VaginaPrivacyNetwork.org), a step-by-step protocol providing tools like a free, secure web browser to help women protect their privacy online.
Keeping private parts private
To amplify the launch on the Dobbs decision’s second anniversary, we distributed prepaid burner phones at women’s marches in abortion-restricted states like Tennessee, Indiana, and Georgia. Each phone featured a hotline for anonymously accessing the protocol. Eye-catching billboards, including one near Indiana’s last closed abortion clinic, reinforced the message. The campaign was supported by embargoed media outreach, pro-bono influencer promotion, and a partnership with Advocates for Youth. We’re now extending the initiative to college campuses nationwide.
03The impact
Thousands reached and funds to reach thousands more to come
To date, the campaign has garnered over 231 million impressions, including pieces in USA Today and Pop Sugar. Owned social posts received a 3.84% engagement rate, and the campaign video had a 3% click-through rate. Most importantly, thousands of women have received safe access to information and healthcare thanks to the Vagina Privacy Network. And MSI Reproductive Choices saw a staggering 107% increase in donations compared to the same period a year prior, so that many thousands more will be helped in the future.
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