Women in public with open page spread of breast feeding image


Project: The Uncover

Breastfeeding in public should be as normal as reading a magazine 

Despite the benefits of breastfeeding to both women and infants, breastfeeding in public in France remains a controversial issue. The Uncover was designed to encourage and support women breastfeeding.

01The challenge

Half of the women who breastfeed say they do it secretly in inappropriate places like the toilet. Why? Because it is still taboo in France.

02The solution

We created a trompe l’oeil to destigmatize breastfeeding in public spaces. With The Uncover every magazine reader could embody a breastfeeding person, helping normalize the act everywhere.

The breastfeeding campaign


Breastfeeding in public is still a controversial issue in France and around the world. That’s why earlier in September, Weber Shandwick Paris imagined a trompe l’oeil to destigmatize breastfeeding in public. This awareness campaign is a collaboration between various brands and associations.

03The impact

France helps normalize breastfeeding in public

More than 43K people signed a petition to legally protect breastfeeding in public. We achieved 40M+ organic social impressions using #theuncover and 50 media placements including four national broadcast segments. Overall, we reached 150M+ earned impressions.


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2021: Best Campaign of the Year

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