The Foundation to Combat Antisemtism

Project: #StandUpToJewishHate

Launching a symbol against antisemitism 

Even though Jews are just 2.4% of the United States population, they are the victims of 55% of religious hate crimes. It is important all Americans understand the only way to change this is for us all to come together to fight antisemitism and all hate.

Image has a small blue square in the upper left corner of the image. Text reads: American Jews make up 2.4% of the U.S. population, the same size as the blue square in this image.

01The challenge

With the recent rise of antisemitism in the U.S. there is no more critical time than now to drive awareness to this important issue and show the Jewish community they are not fighting alone.

02The solution

We helped launch and drive attention for a national campaign to empower all Americans, especially non-Jews, to #StandUpToJewishHate using the blue square emoji – 🟦 – as a unifying symbol of support.

Mobilizing Americans to #StandUpToJewishHate


Robert K. Kraft founded the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism in 2019 to help address the rising hate against Jews in the United States and the existential threat it poses to Jewish people. Their new #StandUpToJewishHate campaign combines alarming data with humanizing storytelling of everyday instances of antisemitism to encourage audiences to recognize Jewish hate and stand up against it.

03The impact

Mobilizing All to #StandUpToJewishHate

Since launch, the blue square has taken on a life of its own, garnering nearly 5 billion impressions as it’s been covered in top-tier media including the Today Show, CBS This Morning, USA Today, Billboard, Sports Illustrated, PEOPLE and WSJ. Celebrities and influencers are showing support, including Tom Brady, Jon Bon Jovi, Mike Tyson, and Julianne Moore. And the campaign is just getting started.

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