
Project: Supercube

Shifting from super picky to super power 

One in four (1 in 4) people have a gene that makes vegetables taste bitter. They are not “picky” or “fussy” – they are what scientists call genetic “supertasters.” We developed a solution to help supertasters enjoy a healthy, veggie-packed diet.

01The challenge

Knorr, Unilever’s largest food brand, has a mission to get as many people as possible eating healthy vegetables by “making the good stuff irresistible.” We needed to reposition Knorr as a fresh-thinking innovator, fully invested in inclusive nutrition. And we needed to do it in a way that would generate buzz and boost appeal among fresh young audiences.

02The solution

We invented the Supercube for supertasters. We believe this is the first food product made specifically for those with the gene, helping a quarter of the population enjoy a healthy, vegetable-packed diet. Unlike usual stock cubes that add flavor, this product helps to reduce certain flavors. The cube works its magic with natural herbs, spices and some clever flavor science. The ingredients work in unison to activate and deactivate key taste receptors on the tongue, reducing perception of flavors supertasters find bitter.

No ideas were off the potential menu


The awareness of the bitter gene TAS2R38 is so low there’s also a bitter taste in society. We conducted a study into perceptions of supertasters, finding 77% experience negativity from others, regardless of life stage. By Knorr research & development, we could go beyond comms to develop an actual solution.


Pre-launch, we generated talkability (aka, buzz) by developing a Knorr branded test kit to test for the gene. Influencers shared their results and the public could request kits online. The story launched in early 2024 with a restaurant dedicated to confirmed supertasters. Videos captured the supertasters loving the foods they normally hate – many of which were shared across social media. Despite the local focus of the campaign, the news went beyond Sweden with coverage in the UK’s Daily Mail and more.

03The impact

Unlocking a potential new market for Knorr

Requests for over 30K gene test strips were sent to the public in one week, with supply going out of stock. Seventy percent (70%) of consumers who saw the campaign would buy the Supercube, 80% perceive Knorr as inclusive and 85% view Knorr as more innovative than before. Knorr aims to bring the Supercube to market in 2025.

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