
Project: The Seasoning Saga

Safeguarding the cultural flavors of the past 

Hondashi embarked on a quest to surpass generational boundaries, forging a connection with the vibrant spirits of the future while honoring the tapestry of the past.

01The challenge

The majority of Hondashi’s consumers are older – generations that maintain strong connections to their Japanese-Brazilian heritage (often times, cooking side-by-side with elders). With fewer young generation consumers – a group that no longer spends time learning to cook alongside their “obatians” and “okasans” – the brand needed to find a way to change this.

02The solution

The realm of anime and manga is quite connected to the culinary world. As the product is mainly used in Asian recipes, we focused on this passionate fanbase.

Merging the tradition of Hondashi and anime


Hondashi is a popular brand of granulated Japanese seasoning, commonly used to elevate the taste of soups and other dishes in Japanese cuisine. Cooking is a tradition that spans generations starting from grand-grandmothers and has been passed down through family. We created a Manga series with four episodes to introduce Hondashi to the anime and manga community.

To speak more to a younger audience, the story highlights ancient Japanese culture, where a young apprentice can never disregard his master’s experience. The series portrays two iconic figures – the sage, inspired by the masters of Knights of the Zodiac, and the formidable fighter, which embodies raw strength reminiscent of the heroes from games like King of Fighters.

03The impact

Capturing the attention of the next generation

The impact of Hondashi’s manga series campaign captivated the imagination and widespread engagement of their desired younger audience. The work was featured at the biggest Asian pop culture event in São Paulo, the Anime Friends event, with around 2K attendees. It also achieved 100% of the sales target for the period.

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