Animal Político
Project: Gallery of Lies
Helping preserve democracy in elections
False information could have unprecedented repercussions for the upcoming 2024 presidential elections in Mexico.

01The challenge
Animal Político is Mexico’s number one independent news outlet and advocate of truth and needed a way to expose fake news.
02The solution
To address this issue, we provided the public access to the first chatbot for real-time news verification.
A data-fueled virtual gallery
Fake news is a growing problem in Mexico, especially in the context of presidential elections. The dissemination of manipulated and deceptive information has a negative impact on citizens’ decision-making, affecting democracy in electoral processes. In Gallery of Lies, the chatbot communicated through artworks in a virtual gallery fueled by data from verified news for an unprecedented experience.
03The impact
A social movement that fights for truth
As a result of the campaign, there was a 27% increase in brand social relevance, 400% increase in subscribers and 98% positive conversation. The campaign received more than 85M impressions and 1M dollars in free press.
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