Breast Cancer Now

Project: A ‘Love/Hate’ relationship

Keeping women’s breast health in check 

Breast Cancer Now, a UK-based charity, asked us to create a film to amplify its “Check Them” awareness campaign during Breast Cancer Awareness month.

01The challenge

Fear about COVID-19 was preventing women from seeking medical advice and getting their breasts checked.

02The solution

We identified an opportunity to tell a broader story and address the love/hate relationship women have always had with their breasts.

We talked to UK women of various ages, ethnicities and backgrounds about their personal breast experiences and turned to animation to bring their stories to life. With award-winning filmmaker Anna Ginsburg producing the piece, we show the relationships women have with their breasts over the course of their lives, ending with a simple, yet compelling call to action: Love Them. Hate Them. Check Them.

03The impact

Bold storytelling

Housed on the website and amplified via a social campaign, this unique, thought-provoking film drew a raft of love/hate reactions. Some were enamored by the boldness of the storytelling, while others felt uncomfortable with the honesty of the content. Criticism shared on social drove further dialogue. The film garnered above-average click-through rates on Facebook and Instagram, was selected as a “Best of the Month Staff Pick” by the Vimeo curation team and named a “Videos for Good” category nominee at the 2020 Vimeo Awards.


2021 Winner: Healthcare

2021 Winner: Film, Film Craft

2021 Winner: Production & Post-production, Health & Awareness

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