Weber Shandwick Named to Advertising Age’s 2015 Agency A-List
Weber Shandwick today was named to Advertising Age’s Agency A-List, the annual ranking of the nation’s best advertising and marketing firms. For the second year in a row, Weber Shandwick is the only public relations firm to be recognized on the Agency A-List. Advertising Age affirmed, “Public relations agencies don’t typically take the lead on digital or creative services or come up with risky ideas. But Weber Shandwick…isn’t just any PR agency.”

Advertising Age pointed to Weber Shandwick’s leadership in driving the transformation of the industry, highlighting the firm’s award-winning content publishing offering, Mediaco, as a strong digital growth driver, as well as successful investments in data and analytics, and the debut of the firm’s full-service advertising boutique, Sawmill. The firm was also recognized for its double-digit growth in 2014, on top of double-digit growth the previous year, in addition to the firm’s success in maintaining 100 percent of its top 30 clients, winning new assignments from more than half of those top clients, and being named advertising, digital and social agency of record for major clients in 2014. Read more in Ad Age’s full write-up here.
The A-List recognition comes on the heels of several industry honors earned by Weber Shandwick, including being named The Holmes Report’s 2014 Global Agency of the Year, as well as being named a Best Place to Work by Ad Age in 2014 and PRWeek in 2013 and 2014.
The firm continues to deepen its capabilities in public relations and across the marketing services industry, adding to its strong legacy of innovation in the digital era. This includes Mediaco, the firm’s award-winning content publishing and distribution offering that delivers a comprehensive and consultative approach to brands as media; Mediaco Publish, a custom content management system (CMS) developed by the firm’s content technology unit specifically for brand content operations; GoLive, the firm’s real-time production and live-streaming capability that incorporates live storytelling, broadcast quality-production and social distribution; and firebell, the firm’s award-winning, proprietary application that allows clients to participate in real-time online crisis simulation drills in a secure, off the-internet environment.
The Advertising Age Agency A-List has been celebrating the best agencies in the advertising and marketing business since the mid-1970s. Ad Age editors make their selections based on elements including creativity, financial performance, innovation and the ability to build clients’ businesses. The franchise expanded in recent years to honor a broader range of shops and reflect changes in the marketing and media business.