Prime Creativity on Show in Stockholm and London
For the last eight years Prime has hosted an annual creativity event at its Stockholm office showcasing a selection of its most successful work and breakthrough trends to clients, employees and media.
Attracting a sizeable crowd each year and recognized as a roaring success, the Prime Showcase was hosted in Stockholm as well as London for the first time this year, building on the coming together of Prime and Weber Shandwick in 2014, and providing employees, clients, brands and key influencers an insight into Prime, its work and industry-leading creative approach.
In Stockholm, members from Weber Shandwick’s London, Washington, D.C., and Minneapolis offices joined colleagues from Prime to participate and host discussions at the event. In London, the office transformed into an art gallery-style venue featuring Prime work exhibited in a variety of dynamic fashions involving video, interactive installation and photography.
The work presented at the Showcases inspires and provides new insights in everything from mobile hotel rooms to maneuvering the new political landscape, driving impact on social issues to the future of retail and how IKEA transferred DIY from furniture to data.
A collection of the work from the 2014 Stockholm and London Showcases can be found at