Leading at the Intersections 2025 

Welcome to 2025. The start of any new year is a time for reflection, transformation and hope. That’s true today, as we both navigate disruptive global dynamics and mark new frontiers of human ingenuity.


2025 finds us in a perpetual state of polycrisis, the convergence of global challenges such as geopolitical instability, the climate crisis, rising inequality, and accelerating adoption of disruptive technologies.


2025 is the mid-point of this momentous decade for global progress on a range of shared goals to promote peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Individually and collectively, the international community will assess what version of our shared future is possible and what it will take to realize it.


2025 marks the end of a global elections cycle in which half the world’s population will have gone to the polls to generally express dissatisfaction with incumbent leaders and to seek new ones for a simpler, less turbulent tomorrow that is unlikely to arise soon.


2025 will begin to illuminate the longer-term impact of the U.S.’s first ‘influencer election’ where new media gatekeepers played an unprecedented role in shaping a national narrative based more on feelings than facts. It’s a hallmark of the ‘post-truth’ information ecosystem that complicates how communicators connect with stakeholders as fellow humans navigating unprecedented change.


2025 will ask much of us. It may be tempting to take the short-term view, look to easy answers or turn away from the complexity of the world around us. Yet, as we explore in this resource annually, there is immense opportunity to be found by engaging with the change and disruptions underway across policy, culture, media and technology.


Our communities, our workplaces and our future will be defined by how we collectively search for inclusive answers to complex questions. Thanks for joining us as we dive into the central questions for leaders and communicators in the year ahead.