How the Most Powerful Women in Business are Engaging
In an ongoing study on the most powerful women in business, Weber Shandwick found that top female American business leaders are proactively engaging external audiences and being acknowledged for their roles as effective leaders.
Weber Shandwick regularly examines the engagement activities of the most powerful women in business, based on Fortune’s Most Powerful Women (MPW) list. This year’s study took a close look at speaking engagements, board memberships and awards and honors for the top 50 MPW in the U.S.
The majority of women (72 percent) on this past year’s Fortune list spoke at one or more conferences in 2012 and had an average of 2.1 speaking engagements. The research shows that these executives are being acknowledged for their roles as business leaders; this year’s MPWs sat on an average of 2.6 boards and six in 10 received an award or a place on a rankings or “best of” list.
Conferences, rankings and awards are essential tools for enhancing company storytelling and reinforcing company brands.
View our infographic here.