CEO Spotlight: Company Reputation from the Top
Weber Shandwick issued a report entitled, CEO Spotlight. This second installment from Weber Shandwick’s Company behind the Brand global research explores the importance of executive leadership and communications in helping reverse the tides of waning trust in companies.
Two-thirds (66%) of global consumers say their perceptions of CEOs affect their opinions of company reputations. Similarly, global executives attribute nearly one-half of a company’s overall reputation to the CEO’s reputation. The research shows that executive leadership is critical to the overall reputation of organizations today, particularly when it is estimated that a large 60% of a company’s market value is attributed to its reputation. Corporate leadership communications are especially important in emerging markets, such as in Brazil where 72% of consumers rely on executive communications when learning more about a company. In these markets, as well as across the globe, CEO and company reputation are inextricably linked, and both make a solid contribution to a firm’s market value.
Click here to read the report.