Annual Corporate Citizenship Report
Weber Shandwick is proud to announce the publication of its annual Corporate Citizenship Report.
This year, Weber Shandwick enhanced the standards of its CSR reporting by using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Index as a framework for reporting on sustainability issues material to its business.
The firm is proud to be a part of the conversation that’s exploring how companies can create shared value – robust business results that also deliver meaningful value for communities.
This report features the impressive and high-impact work the firm and its employees have done to positively impact the environment, communities and clients throughout 2013, including the launch of the Impact Project, which unified and strengthened the firm’s global pro bono efforts, as well as the firm’s 8th annual Making A Difference Awards, which honor the individuals and teams at Weber Shandwick who have done extraordinary pro bono work.
Across the firm’s global network and in partnership with its clients, Weber Shandwick is focused on leveraging the talent, creativity and expertise of its people to contribute to a more positive world.
To view the report, click here. For more information about Weber Shandwick’s corporate citizenship initiatives contact