Allyson Hugley Joins Weber Shandwick as Executive Vice President, Measurement & Analytics 

NEW YORK, September 13, 2011 – Weber Shandwick, one of the world’s leading global public relations firms, today announced that Allyson Hugley has joined the agency as executive vice president of the Measurement & Analytics practice, effective immediately.

Allyson Hugley Joins Weber Shandwick as Executive Vice President, Measurement & Analytics

Based in New York, she will continue to build the firm’s award-winning measurement and analytics offering, providing counsel to clients while working to develop and institutionalize proprietary approaches and tools. She will work closely with the measurement team and Digital Communications practice to ensure that Weber Shandwick continues to deliver transformative solutions in applying metrics to the customized digital, social and traditional campaigns the firm creates for its clients.


Hugley brings more than 14 years of experience as a leader in public relations, and is a seasoned market and communications research professional. Most recently she was the senior vice president of Insight Creation at MSLGROUP, where she provided global market intelligence and strategic consumer insights to the agency’s leading accounts. She also developed and managed the agency’s measurement capabilities. Prior to MSLGROUP, Hugley was a research manager at Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books.


Throughout her career, Hugley has managed corporate communications, message effectiveness and audience measurement research for clients across a broad range of industries including the Partnership for a Drug Free America, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Philip Morris Youth Smoking Prevention, SADD, AARP, SIRIUS Satellite Radio and GE Medical Systems.


Hugley is the vice chair for the North American chapter of AMEC, the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communications.


“Allyson’s deep expertise, strategy and leadership skills will further strengthen our capabilities across the measurement and analytics arena,” said Gail Heimann, vice chair, Weber Shandwick. “In the dynamic multi-channel world, analytics – and the right analytics methodologies – are the lynchpin; Allyson’s insights, experience and vision will be critical to our teams and clients.”